
๊Trial Measures for Management of Special Allowance for Famous Teachers, Doctors and Experts of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Trial Measures for Management of Special Allowance for Famous Teachers, Doctors and Experts of Dongguan》.doc

☂Implementation Methods for Characteristic Talent Policies of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Implementation Methods for Characteristic Talent Policies of Dongguan》.doc

ﷺTrial Measures for Encouraging Flexible Introduction of Overseas Experts to Dongguan of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

《Trial Measures for Encouraging Flexible Introduction of Overseas Experts to Dongguan of Dongguan》.doc

🍌Implementation Methods for Promoting Technological and Financial Development of Songshan Lake (Biopark) of Dongguan[2017-05-22]

  Chapter I general rules  Article 1 with a view to the implementation of the people's government of guangdong province to accelerate the opinions on some policy of science and technology innovati

♛Temporary Methods for Listing Incentive of Songshan Lake (Biopark) of Dongguan.[2017-05-22]

  Chapter I general rules  Article 1 with a view to promoting science and technology, finance, industry depth fusion, accelerate the development of financial innovation of science and technology, enco

𝔍The detailed rules for the implementation of the qualified personnel for the entry of the dongguan market.[2017-05-22]

Measures to implement special policies for the special talents of dongguan cityEvaluation ofmoneyTreatment of lifemanagementEvaluation criteriaprovenanceFunding and awardsprovenanceLiving/medical care

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