Dongguan-Taiwan Biotech Collaborative Incubation Center
HEC Pharm
Guangdong Dongguan Quality Supervision Testing Center
Songshan Lake Laboratory Animal Science Park of Dongguan Southern China Medical College
AsiaPac Bio-technology
Mathematical Engineering Academy of Chinese Medicine
Cooperation base for biotechnology industry on both sides of Taiwan Straits (Guangdong port of Pharmacy)
A cluster of major biotech projects, 、 A key demonstration zone of biotech development and industrialization、 A major platform of biotech foreign cooperation
The biotech industry is a sunrise industry in the 21st century, the breakthroughs of which is generating a new round of industrial revolution. With vigorous support of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial People’s Government, the CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee and Dongguan Municipal People’s Government...
On June 10, Kolter Medical Park was officially launched. The first 7 domestic and international enterprises signed an agreement to enter Dongguan s first industry incubation park. Huang Shaowen, mem
Yesterday saw the opening ceremony of Medimaging Integrated Solution Inc. (MiiS) held in Dongguan. It marked the first enterprise of Guanrong Program taking root and setting up a factory in the city.A
Dr. Shi Xizeng, Leading Entrepreneurial Talent of Guangdong Province, introduced the product he developed on May 15 (Photo by Reporter Cheng Yongqiang)Five years ago, I returned to China from Silicon
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