
Cooperation base for biotechnology industry on both sides of Taiwan Straits - Guangdong port of Pharmacy


  • Cross-Straits Biotech Industry Cooperation Base

  • Dongguan-Taiwan Biotech Collaborative Incubation Center

  • HEC Pharm

  • Guangdong Dongguan Quality Supervision Testing Center


  • Songshan Lake Laboratory Animal Science Park of Dongguan Southern China Medical College

  • AsiaPac Bio-technology

  • Mathematical Engineering Academy of Chinese Medicine


Cooperation base for biotechnology industry on both sides of Taiwan Straits (Guangdong port of Pharmacy)

A cluster of major biotech projects, 、
A key demonstration zone of biotech development and industrialization、
A major platform of biotech foreign cooperation

The biotech industry is a sunrise industry in the 21st century, the breakthroughs of which is generating a new round of industrial revolution. With vigorous support of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial People’s Government, the CPC Dongguan Municipal Committee and Dongguan Municipal People’s Government...

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